was a new boy
JoinedPosts by was a new boy
Has the Governing Body EVER apologized for anything?
by Wild_Thing ingeoffrey jackson testified to the arc that the governing body has apologized for things in the past, so an apology to sexual abuse victims is "perceivable".
what has the governing body ever apologized for?.
22 q. just on that point, mr jackson, has the governing body23 considered apologising to survivors of child sexual abuse24 at the hands of elders within the organisation?25 a. i haven't been in any discussions with regard to that.26 27 q. is that something that you foresee might happen ‐ in 28 other words, that an apology at least be considered?29 a. the governing body has apologised on other matters, so30 for me to say ‐ i can't speak collectively for everybody, 31 but we have apologised on things in the past, in other32 areas, so it is perceivable.. .
was a new boy
Back around 1980 the Awake had an article about flying an airplane, the non pilot writer got things all mixed up.A pilot wrote in the correct pieces of the plane or instruments, which they published in the next issue and Awake apologized.Both articles were deleted from the Bound Volume that year, like all errors that they catch. -
A Very Mysterious Place none of us should WORRY about -(nothing to see here...move along...)
by Terry innothing to see here?i was watching an old move from 2008 a couple of days ago, the bourne legacy.there was a plotpoint made in dialogue which centered on a place in the u.s. called fort detrick (in maryland).
a military lab there had a terrible accident but the unforeseen consequence led to a discovery which the bourne legacy needed to work the plot.my head started to buzz and i thought i would do a google search on fort detrick.
ya know - as we sometimes do when our head starts to buzz?next stop: a rabbit holehere is what i have learned so far.__________fort detrick is the center of u.s. bio-military activities.
was a new boy
If faded memory correct, Congress banned gain of function, so it was moved offshore.
WARNING! If you DELIBERATELY avoid the JW memorial.....
by BoogerMan in.......you will experience a fate worse than death!
you have been warned - don't come crying to me if you don't go.
you've got one month to change your mind.
was a new boy
It obviously suits the WT to use the meaning that helps them scare people into obedience.
JanHave they ratcheted Fear up this year? 90 year old stepmother calls me yesterday with an invite. Last time she called was 4 years ago when Dad passed.
Has the governing body been had by the 'superior Authorities'?
by was a new boy innyc mayor praises jw's for obeying authorities.
was a new boy
Breaking: RFK, Jr. and CHD Sue Biden, Fauci for Alleged Censorship
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense on Friday filed a class action lawsuit against President Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top administration officials and federal agencies, alleging they “waged a systematic, concerted campaign” to compel the nation’s three largest social media companies to censor constitutionally protected speech.
How to send Memorial greetings?
by CuriousAboutJW ini have a friend who is a witness, and i wanted to send them a message on tuesday, but i'm not entirely sure what to say.
"happy memorial" doesn't seem quite right.
what are some appropriate greetings to send on the day of the memorial of jesus christ?.
was a new boy
Search"Happy Memorial"FILTER BY
AllPublicationsVideosMusic & DramasBibleSorry, the search returned no results.Suggestions:
- Make sure search terms are spelled correctly.
- Try using less specific search criteria.
- Try reducing the number of search terms.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "... But take note of how James began his letter:“
James, a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the 12 tribes that are scattered about: Greetings!” (Jas. 1:1)- https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/watchtower-study-june-2018/power-of-a-greeting/
I made a Website to examine the scriptures/words usage in every JW publication since 1950/1970
by ComingOutaMyCage inhi everyone!i'm new here, but have been active on the reddit r\exjw community.
i have just published a website where i analysed the last 50-70 years worth of watchtowers, awake, books, brochures, and kingdom ministries/work books.. i have collected all the data and published it at the link below.
you can also see below an example of genesis.
was a new boy
I have re-processed the data.
Watchtower Simplified is now excluded
All words are included.
All double words with more than 100 instances are included.Looking forward when all 'double words' are included with no restrictions. Like advertising servant.
'The next year, I had the joy of receiving my first assignment as advertising servant (later called magazine servant) in the second congregation organized in Piraiévs.'
A word in Stephen Letts Ear: Counterfeit Words Millstone Research
by Diogenesister ini had to post this on jwdotnet.. probably one of the best exjw videos i've ever seen.. watchtower criticism is jehovah's witness advocacy!.
was a new boy
'Once the bell has been rung it can not be unrung.' - “Captives of a Concept”
Why the name change from Watchtower Bible College of Gilead to Watchtower Bible School of Gilead?
by was a new boy indid too many jehovah's witness kids get curious about wanting to go to a real college?.
they really don't give an explanation, it's like old light and new light, one reads the new light, and .
in the spirit of loyalty, the subject gets dropped, and there's no more talk about the old name again.. .
was a new boy
The names it was called from 1943 -1946:
Watchtower Bible College,
Watchtower College,
Watchtower Bible College of Gilead and
New World College are suspiciously omitted from this
No Private Beliefs Allowed!
by BereanThinker7 inlooking for references that talk about witnesses not being able to hold any private interpretation or belief that isn't in line with official doctrine.
i know i've seen them before but of course now i can't find any of the more in your face statements..
was a new boy
https://www.amazon.com/Captives-Concept-Anatomy-Illusion-Cameron/dp/1411622103Can people not read?
Captives of a Concept (Anatomy of an Illusion) Paperback
p 78 covers subject
Year Month Day Subject Attachments / Notes Country 1980 09 1 Circuit Overseers help elders discern between apostates and the spiritually weak Crisis of Conscience Paperback – January 1, 2002
p 292,293 shows letter -
Why the name change from Watchtower Bible College of Gilead to Watchtower Bible School of Gilead?
by was a new boy indid too many jehovah's witness kids get curious about wanting to go to a real college?.
they really don't give an explanation, it's like old light and new light, one reads the new light, and .
in the spirit of loyalty, the subject gets dropped, and there's no more talk about the old name again.. .
was a new boy
Arthur Worsley - I think he was still living into the '80's, as I heard his name bandied about during that time. I forget the details.
The Olin Moyle Lawsuit
In the Legal Department’s library, I found two volumes containing the transcript of record of a libel lawsuit filed in October of 1940 by Olin R. Moyle against twelve Watchtower executives and Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, Inc. of Pennsylvania and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc., of New York. As I perused the books, I saw that Moyle won his lawsuit with the court awarding him $30,000 in damages. Not familiar with the lawsuit, I brought the volumes to Karl Adams who expressed surprise at what I handed him. He said he also had no knowledge of the Moyle lawsuit which went to trial in 1943. I still find it difficult to believe Karl knew nothing about the case because Karl was fourteen when the trial took place and he joined the Watch Tower staff just a few years later when the Moyle verdict was still a well-known sore subject among the Witnesses.
As important as the Olin Moyle trial was in the history of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and why it was not included in the Witnesses’ history book, I can’t answer. After I left Bethel, I was asked this same question by two prominent Witness elders and their wives in 1994 when I was visiting Burbank, California. It was my work as the major researcher for the history book which fascinated them, and the reason they accepted a dinner invitation from my hosts.
George Kelly, one long-time Witness whom I met that evening, had been the personal secretary in Bethel to well-known Witness attorney, Hayden C. Covington. (In 138 of the cases presented to the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Covington had served as the attorney for 111 of them.) Olin Moyle was the Watchtower Society’s attorney from 1935 until Rutherford ousted him in 1939. His replacement was Covington who took over as attorney representing the Society in the 1940 compulsory flag saluting in public schools lawsuit, Minersville School District v. Gobitis.
The other man accompanying Kelly to the prominent Burbank, California, elder’s home where I was staying was Lyle Reusch, a long-time special representative of the Watchtower Society in the United States who began his full-time ministry in June 1935 when he entered Bethel. Both men declared their astonishment and displeasure that the Moyle trial was not mentioned in the 1993 history book. Before and during the time of the Moyle trial, Kelly and Reusch were closely associated with the Watchtower Society. They told me they had been curious to see how the author of the history book would present this most egregious episode where Watchtower leaders, specifically Rutherford, libeled their own in-house Witness attorney in the Watchtower magazine.
According to the trial transcript, Moyle’s problems began after he wrote a personal letter to Rutherford in which he expressed his aversion to Rutherford’s excessive drinking and extremely abusive behavior to others, behavior which he personally observed and heard complaints about. And Arthur Worsley, a long-time Bethel staff member well-known to Kelly and Reusch, was one of the people who complained to Moyle about the indignities heaped upon him by Rutherford. Rutherford was so incensed by Moyle’s criticisms he dismissed Moyle and his wife from Bethel and placed their personal effects out on the sidewalk. Moyle was shocked by the treatment but the facts show he did not retaliate in any way. Not content with throwing Moyle out of Bethel, Rutherford and his associates viciously maligned the man’s character in the Watchtower magazine, leading Moyle to file a libel complaint against all parties responsible.
I brought up the name of Arthur Worsley to Kelly and Reusch. We discussed Arthur’s part in the Moyle trial and both men agreed Arthur testified falsely during direct examination. I told them, after reading the Moyle transcript, I spoke with Arthur, a good friend, about his testimony for the Watchtower defense. Olin Moyle alleged that one morning in the Bethel dining room Arthur had been unjustifiably publicly denounced without cause by Rutherford. Arthur complained to Moyle how humiliating the incident had been. However, in court Arthur said he thought Rutherford was justified in denouncing him for his actions. He said the scolding wasn’t out of order and, much to Moyle’s amazement, Arthur said he did not complain to anybody.
Yet, Arthur told us about the dining room incident and condemned Rutherford for humiliating him. We also discussed why he testified under oath that he never heard any filthy language at the Bethel table, or why he denied that liquor was glorified at the table, when, in fact, he told us the opposite. Clearly upset, Arthur sadly replied that Rutherford would have dismissed him from Bethel if his testimony had substantiated Moyle’s allegations. And because he had nowhere else to go, he lied to the court.
No matter, after listening to extensive testimony, the court decided Rutherford and other Watchtower officials were guilty of libel. Arthur told us that Watchtower officials were so angry with Moyle they paid him the $30,000 damages he was awarded in silver coin, thereby labeling him a “Judas.”
By ignoring the Moyle story, Watchtower omitted a particularly offensive and unpleasant episode that could not be whitewashed, one that would soil the rather unsullied image of the organization which the history book was endeavoring to project. In no uncertain terms, these Witnesses that evening made clear their displeasure with the Moyle lawsuit omission, and, also, with the obvious historical revisionism by Watchtower leaders to present, for the most part, an untarnished, fault-free history and not, as its foreword suggests, one that was truthfully “objective and … candid.”